23 April 2011

The Lincoln Lawyer (2011)

☻ ☻ The Lincoln Lawyer (2011). It is a truth universally acknowledged that a lawyer working out of his car must be in want of a better class of client1.

Rich kid Louis Roulet (Ryan Phillippe) has chosen Mickey Haller (Matthew McConaughey) to represent him and Mickey finds himself out of his league in more ways than one. When private investigator and friend, Frank Levin (William H Macy) turns up dead, Mickey understands he's in for the fight of his life -- and that of his family.

Hardest to swallow was the extent to which Los Angeles lawyer Haller (Matthew McConaughey) was on good terms with his ex, Maggie (Marisa Tomei). Despite their differences over her being a cop, arresting criminal low life, and his getting them off, the two were on amazingly good terms.

Some professionals regard bikers as helpful, remunerative customers.

Courtesy amazon.com
My favourite scene is when Mickey protects himself from a rip-off habitué. And I thought lawyers dropped clients all the time. Chalk another one up for professional protection of the public.

Based on the bestseller, The Lincoln Lawyer, by Michael Connelly. Well acted, but formulaic fluff. A pleasant way to spend an evening when there's nothing better to do.

Speaking out:
  83%/85% rottentomatoes.com (23 Apr 2011*)

  7.5/10  imdb.com (23 Apr 2011*)

* * *

* Date of web access.
1 Sorry Jane.

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