14 March 2011

Inspector Aurelio Zen (BBC)

☻ ☻ ☻ New series! Michael Dibdin's Inspector Aurelio Zen (BBC). Only three episodes. RIP? Filmed on location, the show's worth watching simply for the atmosphere. And the architecture. 

A preview of Episode 2, Cabal:

Pigs that they are, there's an office bet as to 
who it  will be. Zen forfeits his prize.

Think Aurelio's life is complicated? Why not take the opportunity to find out more by reading the books?

An interview with Rufus Sewell (Aurelio Zen):

Not looking particularly like Venetian Zen, Sewell's 
more believable in an expensive Italian suit. 

Speaking out:
[A]t least two-and-a-half cheers to Vendetta, the first of three new Zen stories ... [A] pacy and intriguing thriller, dripping with gorgeous panoramas of Rome and haunting Italian countryside." Adam Sweeting (The Arts Desk)

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