14 March 2011

Being Human (BBC)

☻ ☻ ☻ BBC's Being Human is back for a another series. Apparently, Limbo still exists. Much better than the new derivative American version. However, it is fun to watch both and compare (ie, predict what will happen, based on the original).

Calling the mirrored vampire Aidan was a bit OTT, though.

As expected, the final episode was a cliff-hanger. Stake your hopes on New Zealand and take a gander at the cast members of Peter Jackson's two-part film adaptation of Tolkien's Lord of the Rings prequel, The Hobbit, if you what to understand what really occurred.

Win some, lose some. The good news is a fourth series is now in the works!

Vampire Mitchell below. See kids? This is what what happens when you get bored on the bus, so don't forget your book!

Mitchell doing a poor job of pretending to Be Human

Speaking out:
"Being Human depends on how you see it ... [A]s a comedy then it’s simply not funny enough ... [A]s a serious drama that takes a unique spin on an overused subject that actually has a solid theme running through it then it’s one of the best things BBC Three has ever shown." Steven Cookson (Suite101®)

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